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Project Extension Manager

shopware-cli has an extension manager to install and manage extensions in your Shopware project through the Shopware API. Kinda like the Extension Manager in the Shopware 6 Administration Panel, but for the CLI.

!!! note This functionality was designed for Shopware SaaS and should not be used for self-hosted installations. The recommandation is to use the Deployment Helper and install all plugins via Composer.

To use the extension manager, you need a .shopware-project.yml, this can be created with the command shopware-cli project config init.


List all extensions

shopware-cli project extension list

Install an extension

shopware-cli project extension install <extension-name>

Uninstall an extension

shopware-cli project extension uninstall <extension-name>

Update an extension

shopware-cli project extension update <extension-name>

Outdated extensions

Shows all extensions that have an update available.

shopware-cli project extension outdated

Upload extension

Uploads an extension to the Shopware instance.

shopware-cli project extension upload <path-to-extension-zip>

Delete extension

Deletes an extension from the Shopware instance.

shopware-cli project extension delete <extension-name>