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Bundle Support

Since 0.3.0 it's possible to use shopware-cli to build assets of normal Shopware bundles (base class does not extend Plugin and is registered in config/bundles.php). If you want to know more about Shopware bundles vs Plugins, checkout this blog post.

Bundle directly embeded into the Shopware project

If your Bundle is directly included in the Shopware project without a own composer.json, you have to adjust the root composer.json to make the bundle available for shopware-cli.

    "extra": {
        "shopware-bundles": {
            // The key is the relative path from project root to the bundle
            "src/MyBundle": {}

If your bundle folder names does not match your Bundle name, you can use the name key to map the folder to the bundle name.

    "extra": {
        "shopware-bundles": {
            "src/MyBundle": {
                "name": "MyFancyBundle"

Bundle as composer package

If your bundle is a own composer package, make sure your composer type is shopware-bundle and that you have set a shopware-bundle-name in the extra part of the config like this:

    "name": "my-vendor/my-bundle",
    "type": "shopware-bundle",
    "extra": {
        "shopware-bundle-name": "MyBundle"

Now you can use shopware-cli extension build <path> to build the assets and distribute them together with your bundle. Also shopware-cli project ci detects know automatically this bundle and builds the assets for it.